Inverse-FIP bias in solar and stellar coronae - lesson learned from the Sun
Authors are very grateful to Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary, for hosting two workshops on Elemental Composition in Solar and Stellar Atmospheres
(IFIPWS-1, 13-15 Feb,
2017 and IFIPWS-2, 27 Feb-1 Mar, 2018) and acknowledge the financial support from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under grant NKSZ 2018_2.
The workshops have fostered collaboration by exploiting synergies in solar and stellar magnetic activity studies and exchanging experience and knowledge in both
research fields.
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Brooks, David H.; Baker, Deborah; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia; Warren, Harry P.:
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ADS Link
Brooks, David H.: "A Diagnostic of Coronal Elemental Behavior during the Inverse FIP Effect in Solar Flares"
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Baker, Deborah, van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia, Brooks, David H., Valori, Gherardo, James, Alexander W., Laming, J. Martin, Long, David M., Démoulin, Pascal, Green, Lucie M., Matthews, Sarah A., Oláh, Katalin, Kżvári, Zsolt: Transient Inverse-FIP Plasma Composition Evolution within a Solar Flare
ADS Link
Link to the webpage of the previous workshop