

Elemental composition in solar and stellar atmospheres & magnetic activity


Scientific Programme


27 February (Tuesday)

Lunch at Konkoly Observatory

Martin Laming - Overview FIP and IFIP 
Katalin Oláh and Lajos Balázs - Results of stellar parameter space study 
David Brooks - Solar FIP and cycle dependence


28 February (Wednesday)

Levente Kriskovics - New measurements of abundances on FIP stars
Kristóf Petrovay - Brief review of dynamo theory, stellar cycles, and magnetic activity
Krisztián Vida - Update on stellar dynamo simulations

Lunch at Konkoly Observatory

Katalin Oláh - Stellar cycles and coronal abundances update
David Brooks - A diagnostic of coronal elemental behaviour during the inverse FIP effect in solar flares
Deborah Baker and Lídia van Driel-Gesztelyi - Study of IFIP in solar active regions and the relationship of IFIP and the time-evolving solar magnetic field 

19:00 - 21:30
Dinner in a local restaurant


1 March (Thursday)

10:30 - 12:30
Gherardo Valori - Solar 0.08 mHz (approx. 208 mins, or 3.5 hours) oscillations
Martin Laming - Updates on model development/testing; Genesis results

Lunch at Konkoly Observatory

14:00 - 18:00
Group discussion led by Martin Laming and Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi
Workshop conclusions and task list - Deborah Baker


SOLar and STellar Activity Research Team - SOLSTART, 2007